Technical support

New member of the team

We warmly welcome our new member of the team. Mr. Myslivec speaks English and Czech language and is ready to help you with all your requests.

Rail Automation Exhibition

21st to 24th of May in Nebraska

There is an international Rail Automation Exhibition in Omaha, USA. From 21st to 24th of May, mySCADA USA is there for you at the stand number 104. Please do not hesitate to contact Gene Lege there ([email protected]). He will be glad to share with you the experience.

SCADA free to test!

30 tags in full myPRO

No limitations of functions ensures the best possible way to try our complex SCADA solution called myPRO. Software that offers thousands of features and is very easy to use – try it right now!

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Conference in USA

Rail Automation and Big Data Solution

We want to invite you to the conference located in Nashville (Tennessee, USA). We do have experience in Rail Automation and we want to show you on the particular project. Save the date for the ASLRRA Connections Convention – 7th to 10th of April. We are looking forward to meet you there.

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Automotive industry

The Vibracoustic company (a manufacturer of car components) showed an interest in modernizing its production hall. The company started to look for a visualization system that would overview the production and help to decrease the costs to be even more competitive to their automotive “rivals”. The most suitable solution was mySCADA, which offers visualization software placed in an operator’s panel.

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PF 2018

Dear mySCADA customers,

I want to thank you for such a palmy year you spent with us. Many innovations and upgrades were made during 2017 and we hope all of them lead to the greater satisfaction of yours. On behalf of all the company employees, I wish you a Merry Christmas and successful 2018!



Ing. Petr Svoboda PhD.
CEO of mySCADA Technologies s.r.o.


mySCADA at SPS IPC Drives 2017

Get in contact with us

mySCADA as a part of SPS IPC Drives 2017 in Nuremberg! If you want to meet us there, please contact us and arrange a meeting with our CEO Petr Svoboda who is going to be there tomorrow (28th of December). To arrange an appointment, please write to: [email protected].

Looking forward to see you there!

myBOX ONLINE manual

User manual improvements

We are happy to publish another new Online User Manual. We believe that this myBOX Manual will facilitate your work. Even if the manual is online now, you can still print any part you want and moreover there is the possibility to find anything via “Search” box.

See the Manual here:

Papermaking machine

With the cooperation of mySCADA, the “Artezia” company has developed and implemented a modern, efficient system of steam supply and condensate drainage for the drying part of the papermaking machine. This is the main equipment and the most important element of the entire facility.

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Manufacturing machine tools

This reference describes a real project in which mySCADA (software and hardware provider) and TOSHULIN (global manufacturer of the machine tools) collaborated. This is the first collaboration in a long-term relationship which will be profitable for both sides.

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ONLINE manual

User manual improvements

We are happy to publish the new Online User Manual. The current one started to be pretty long (around 500 pages) and the orientation was little confusing from time to time. We believe that this myDESIGNER Manual will facilitate your work. Even if the manual is online now, you can still print any part you want and moreover there is the possibility to find anything via “Search” box.

See the Manual here:

New User Manual

ONLINE Manual approaches

The user manual for our project creation tool (myDESIGNER) becomes really extensive over the past couple of years. Nowdays it has had around 500 pages and the orientation in the content is getting worse. mySCADA has decided to create new and modern looking manual that will satisfy the users even more. Hope you will appreciate the improvement.

New Application specialist

New member of the team

We want to introduce to you our newest team member Mr. Ondřej Salák. He will be responsible for smooth project implementation specifically for applications located within Europe. We do believe that with Ondřej´s help, we will be able to create an even more positive reaction to our services.

EMO 2017 Fair Trade

The main reason for visiting this EMO Fair Trade was to create a video reference with our customer TOSHULIN (next video) and draw the inspiration in metalworking visualizations as well.

Hannover EMO 2017


TOSHULIN and mySCADA at Hannover Fair Trade 2017. Visit us in Hall 13, Stand C75 and see how metalworking and SCADA goes together to create an added value for the users. Control the production from your tablet has never been easier. More