myDESIGNER SCADA Design Software is a comprehensive solution that enables users to create, manage, and optimize systems for monitoring and controlling various industrial processes. This SCADA Design platform includes a range of tools and features tailored for effective SCADA system development.


myDESIGNER a SCADA Design platform empowers users to craft visually sophisticated elements such as visualizations, data logs, alarms, notifications, trends, reports, and more. Offering a plethora of features to expedite project design, myDESIGNER incorporates an integrated Tag database, master objects, parametric screens, and seamless import/export functionality with MS Excel. Upon project completion, it seamlessly adapts to various devices, including servers, tablets, and smartphones, delivering an unparalleled customer experience with its sharp scalable graphics and responsive layout.


Choose the best option

myDESIGNER stands out as a user-friendly SCADA development platform that seamlessly integrates various functions, ensuring the delivery of comprehensive SCADA projects with optimized ease of use. myDESIGNER Enterprise integrates a range of sophisticated functions to simplify the creation and management of large-scale or intricate projects with ease.
  myDESIGNER myDESIGNER Enterprise 
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Scalable vector graphics ✔︎ ✔︎
Components library ✔︎ ✔︎
Advanced trends ✔︎
Statistical charts        
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– Gantt chart ✔︎
– Box plot chart ✔︎
– 3D chart ✔︎
Data logs ✔︎ ✔︎
Aggregated data logs
✔︎ ✔︎
Views ✔︎
Animations, Effects ✔︎
Zooming ✔︎ ✔︎
Layers ✔︎ ✔︎
Active area ✔︎ ✔︎
Documents ✔︎ ✔︎
Advanced components library
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– Horizontal and vertical bar charts ✔︎
– Radar chart  ✔︎
– Pie chart ✔︎
– Donut chart ✔︎
Tag database
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– Hierarchy view selection
✔︎ ✔︎
– Import from Rockwell and Siemens ✔︎
Siemens Tia portal connection ✔︎
Visual appearance designer  ✔︎
Simulator mode ✔︎
Basic user management  ✔︎ ✔︎
Advanced user management ✔︎
Recipes management  ✔︎
Timeline ✔︎
Alarms ✔︎ ✔︎
Alarm statistics
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– Occurrence chart ✔︎
– Occurence table ✔︎
Emergency notifications ✔︎ ✔︎
Running hours ✔︎
RFID support ✔︎
Server side scripting ✔︎


myDESIGNER, a SCADA design software, boasts user-friendly interfaces. With an extensive library of components and an integrated graphic designer that sparks unlimited creativity, it stands out as the most efficient and comfortable solution available in the market today, offering a unique blend of simplicity and advanced capabilities.

Complete project management in one place

Views (scalable vector professional graphics), Documents (link any pdf to your project), Trends (precise time series plots with multiple axis),
Data Logs (log any data either periodically or on the defined trigger conditions), Tags Database (simply manage, modify or import tags in one place),
Server-Side Scripts (extend the functionality of mySCADA with custom scripts with powerful reporting and networking functions),
Users (limit access based on user groups)

Professional graphical editor (GUI) with advanced functions

Layers, Simple to use Animations, Visual Effects, Time Sequence,
Linear and Radial Gradients, Patterns, Smart Guidelines, Intelligent Snap to point

Fill and stroke

Full-color selection, Opacity control, Linear and radial gradients, Gradient editor capable of multi-stop gradients, Patterns
dashed strokes, With predefined dash patterns, Line and path markers

Rich Components Library

Vector-based components, User components, SVG Icons
All components are user-editable

Easy to configure Complex Alarm System

Simply to define alarms, MS Excel native import and export, SMS and email notifications,
Value and time hysteresis, Groups, Areas, Severity

Simple to define Continuous and Triggered Data Logs

Multiple data-log definitions, Continuous data-logs, Triggered data-logs with multiple trigger conditions,
Pre-event buffering, Post-event buffering, Hysteresis, Data-log views

Native JavaScript editor for Server Side Scripts

Node.js framework, Networking functions, MS Word-based reporting,
Historical module, Email support, HTTP, FTP, TCP, and UDP support, User-defined modules

Integrated Tag Database

All used tags in one place, MS Excel native import and export, Filter on connections,
Changed tag is automatically propagated in the whole project, Tag Usage count, References to tag


Getting started

The project is created in our development environment myDESIGNER.
The project is then uploaded to one of our core visualization products myPRO, myBOX, or myPANEL.




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Changelog Changelog

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mySCADA TIA Portal Connector [Windows] Download
Getting Started DOWNLOAD
User Manual User manual online