Custom Alert Dialog
myscada.alert(‘This is alert!’);
You can pass an object into the function, you can control more parameters such as the title text, or pass a function to be called after dialog dismiss.
myscada.alert(‘{type: 'type-default', title: 'Title text', text: 'Message', onHide: function(){ //code after dialog dismiss }});
type is of ‘type-default’, ‘type-info’, ‘type-primary’, ‘type-success’, ‘type-warning’, and ‘type-danger’
Interactive examples of different dialog options are nicely illustrated here.
Forced Screen Refresh
To perform a forced screen refresh, call
Replace Hash in text for value
This function will replace all hashes in a text for specified value. Please provide a valid text element and value for replacement.
myscada.replaceValueForHash('id', 'value'); //or myscada.replaceValueForHash(['id1', 'id2', 'id3'], 'value');
Computing MD5
Get MD5 hash from string
var md5=myscada.getMD5("data");