Has mySCADA PRO Manager stopped working after a certain amount of time?
Few times we have come true the customers reporting mySCADA PRO Manager – mySCADA PRO V9 stopped working.
This can be caused by the corporate settings of the Windows, by default mySCADA PRO Manager during installation creates user named “myscada9” which is responsible for running myscada9 service.
The user by default is set never to expire and his password is set never to expire as well, however corporate windows managed by some IT company can be responsible for not allowing or making this setting to expire as example in 30-60 days, which means after 2-3 months the system will stop running because user password will expire.
To check whether you’re affected by this, you can open PowerShell as an administrator and type this command:
net user myscada9
This should return settings of the user:
User name myscada9
Full Name mySCADA9
Comment mySCADA9 User
User’s comment
Country/region code 000 (System Default)
Account active Yes
Account expires Never
Password last set 26/06/2024 08:48:14
Password expires Never
Password changeable 26/06/2024 08:48:14
Password required Yes
User may change password No
Workstations allowed All
Logon script
User profile
Home directory
Last logon 28/03/2025 06:37:27
Logon hours allowed All
Local Group Memberships *Administrators *Users
Global Group memberships *None
The command completed successfully.
If the password expires is set to a specific date, or the account on its own is set to expire, you’re affected by this.
To set the password to never expire, open powershell and run this command:
WMIC –% USERACCOUNT WHERE Name=”myscada9″ SET PasswordExpires=FALSE
To set the account to never expire,e open powershell and run this command:
net user myscada9 /expires:never
mySCADA is not communicating with the PLC – OPC UA
Please disable the Windows firewall