How to get myACCESS working on your device?
First, you need to purchase myACCESS device subscription on our website. Which is simple as purchasing any other product, once purchase is completed you can access your myACCESS account with the same account details as you have been using on our website.
Simply just head to
If you are already logged in on then you will get already devices displayed there, if not then just simply log-in using your account details on our website.
If you first open up this page you will see how many subscriptions you have and state of each subscription like in this case if the device is connected or not.
For connecting your device, simply head to device tab, where you will see and be able to assign your HW-ID to an available subscriptions
You just simply select the free available subscription and click on it, which will open details about the subscription
You can select a port which will be your device using for the connection to our server (If you have strict firewall rules in your company so you can unlock the port for connection).
Now you will simply head to your device and copy its HW-ID or Serial number
And insert this HW-ID or Serial number inside column HW-ID in and press save changes
Now you can download configuration for your device and upload it to the device.
It should be a .zip file, leave it as it is and head to the device and upload the file in myACCESS tab. Do not forget to turn myACCESS on.
After successfully uploading a configuration file, please reboot the device and wait patiently, it can take up to 5 minutes for the device to connect after reboot.
When the device is online it should turn green in the portal and you should be able to access the device using the link
Both link and configuration file can be reset just in case of leaking link out to the public or the configuration file, in case of resetting configuration file you have to re-upload the file to the device and repeat the whole process.
You can then rename the device or sort it in groups, the choice is yours.
You are also able to drag each device and drop them inside groups etc…
If the device will not connect, please check your router firewall settings, which could be that the connection is blocked by your firewall or by your provider firewall.
Also, DO NOT forget to sync time in your device!