The alarm window allows the operator to perform complete management of the technology alarms. This window allows you to visualize the alarms present in the technology or in a restricted area of the technology.
The alarm window can display all the technological alarms or a set of alarms arranged by the user-defined areas. If necessary, the user can click on the filter button and fill in the area name.
Alarm acknowledgement
The operator can acknowledge the alarms displayed in the alarms summary. This does not correct the alarm triggering condition but indicates that the operator is aware of it.
Alarm suppression
You can suppress alarm monitoring for one or multiple alarms. This is useful for testing, repairing, or maintaining a piece of equipment. Click on the Suppress button to suppress alarm monitoring. To view the list of the tags not being monitored, use the Suppressed list. You can also turn monitoring back on from this list.
Sorting and filtering in run-time
By default, alarm information in the alarm summary is sorted first by date and time, then by severity, and finally by area name.
This means that alarms are presented in a chronological order: if two or more alarms have the same time and date, they are presented in order of severity; if any alarms have the same time and date and the same severity, they are presented by the area name.