One of the greatest online clothing stores in middle Europe called Zoot started to think of the automation process in the second half of 2017. After a thorough analysis, a few conclusions were made. The bottleneck of company development (and related turnover) is the high spending in the storage area. The costs included human resources as well as the time duration. Those costs turned out to be the most important motivator to implement an automatized system into the store.
One of the greatest online clothing stores in middle Europe called Zoot started to think of the automation process in the second half of 2017. After a thorough analysis, a few conclusions were made. The bottleneck of company development (and related turnover) is the high spending in the storage area. The costs included human resources as well as the time duration. Those costs turned out to be the most important motivator to implement an automatized system into the store.
V příštím týdnu proběhne největší český strojírenský veletrh MSV 2018 v Brně. Od 1. do 5. října budou mít návštěvníci možnost zajít ke stánku Leonardo Technology, kde Vám náš obchodní zástupce – Pavel Haba – ukáže využití mySCADA technologie v praxi. Je to stánek č. 018 v hale E. Pokud vás zajímá, jak naše produkty využít i v jiných průmyslových oblastech, doporučujeme navštívit krátkou přednášku majitele mySCADA – Petra Svobody. Přednáška na téma “Kouknu a vidím aneb chytré řízení výroby” se koná v úterý 2.10.2018 od 10:45, v budově C v rámci Fóra Automa. Těšíme se na Vás!
Last but not least
Last update of version 7 released. The next one is going to be the brand new version 8. For more information about upcoming features, please go to the social networks. For downloading updated myDESIGNER 7.0.48, please go to
Last but not least
Last update of version 7 released. The next one is going to be the brand new version 8. For more information about upcoming features, please go to the social networks. For downloading updated myDESIGNER 7.0.48, please go to
New product released soon!
Past few months there were a lot of impulses from you to come up with our visualization software included to the operator´s panel. And that is exactly what we start to do. We have found a distributor which met our criteria and adapt the nascent version 8. The result is amazingly good! We hope we can introduce you this brand new myPANEL within the few weeks as well as the new version 8. For fresh news, follow us on the social networks or subscribe our Newsletter!
New product released soon!
Past few months there were a lot of impulses from you to come up with our visualization software included to the operator´s panel. And that is exactly what we start to do. We have found a distributor which met our criteria and adapt the nascent version 8. The result is amazingly good! We hope we can introduce you this brand new myPANEL within the few weeks as well as the new version 8. For fresh news, follow us on the social networks or subscribe our Newsletter!
mySCADA and Artezia (our distributor in Ukraine) took place at the Fair Trade Elcom Ukraine 2018 in Kiev. In the reportage, you can hear a lot of interesting information about SCADA and its usage. Did you know that mySCADA is able to mix your cocktail? :) Watch and convince yourself!
If you are interested in more information, go to second part of the video: