Eine SMART City könnte viele Gesichter haben. In diesem Beispiel befassen wir uns mit der Problematik des Parkens in einer mittelgroßen Stadt, mit der sich die Stadtverwaltung oft auseinandersetzen muss. Ziel ist es, die Koexistenz von Autos und Fußgängern zu verbessern, um gegenseitige Konflikte zu verhindern und das Parken einfacher und systematischer zu machen. Laut Forschung erhöht
Limited time deal
We have decided to make February the month of the “SMART Apps” and we are coming up with the special offer.
Limited time deal
We have decided to make February the month of the “SMART Apps” and we are coming up with the special offer.
Wir halfen mit der Visualisierung, das Unternehmen nutzte das System für die Datensammlung in der Pumpstation (USA). Das Unternehmen kann die Prozesse über mobile Endgeräte mit mySCADA überwachen. Fernzugriff -> reduzierte Reisekosten -> steigende Produktivität. Das ist einer der größten Vorteile dieser Lösung.
We helped them with creating the vizualization, they used it for data collection in the PUMP station (USA). The company can monitor the processes via mobile devices with mySCADA. Remote access -> reduced travel costs -> increasing productivity. That is one of the biggest advantage of this solution.
To make SCADA better
mySCADA has improved its features. The newest version contains:
- fixed authentication with login in OPC UA driver;
- added option to acknowledge alarms with text;
- added wizards common functions in view and server side scripts;
- new drawing mode – from center;
- new components such as: List Box, Combo Box;
- scripting in components.
To make SCADA better
mySCADA has improved its features. The newest version contains:
- fixed authentication with login in OPC UA driver;
- added option to acknowledge alarms with text;
- added wizards common functions in view and server side scripts;
- new drawing mode – from center;
- new components such as: List Box, Combo Box;
- scripting in components.
How to work with datalogs
You can log any data or information available in mySCADA. In this video tutorial you will see how to work with data-logs in myDESIGNER. Do not forget to subscribe our YouTube channel!
How to work with datalogs
You can log any data or information available in mySCADA. In this video tutorial you will see how to work with data-logs in myDESIGNER. Do not forget to subscribe our YouTube channel!
mySCADA connected to IoT
We would like to warmly invite you to the conference – IoT Platform Meetup. If you want to see real companies and their connection to Internet of Things, it is very recommended to come. mySCADA will present its IoT point of view and support the idea by practical example. See more about this conference here.