Pozvánka na Amper 2018

Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na mezinárodní veletrh Amper 2018, kde budeme spolu s naším partnerem Leonardo Technology předvádět novinku v oblasti průmyslové automatizace. Přijďte se přesvědčit ke stánku 7.08 v hale V. Těšíme se na Vás.

Více informací na www.amper.cz

Automotive industry

The Vibracoustic company (a manufacturer of car components) showed an interest in modernizing its production hall. The company started to look for a visualization system that would overview the production and help to decrease the costs to be even more competitive to their automotive “rivals”. The most suitable solution was mySCADA, which offers visualization software placed in an operator’s panel.

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Automotive industry

The Vibracoustic company (a manufacturer of car components) showed an interest in modernizing its production hall. The company started to look for a visualization system that would overview the production and help to decrease the costs to be even more competitive to their automotive “rivals”. The most suitable solution was mySCADA, which offers visualization software placed in an operator’s panel.

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